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On the Road again! Portomarin


It was a very pleasant day to walk today, a bit shorter than usual.  We left early to hopefully avoid the rain, it was a mystical morning!  We started out walking through a forest of oak and beech trees, with some holly trees as well.  The path was lined with rock walls, and we began to walk through farms, with cattle and chickens, and the earthy smell of manure on the fields.  The birds were noisy in the woods, and I finally heard my first cuckoo! 

I thought I was taking a lovely shadow picture, didn’t even notice Dick messing with me!

The flowers are gorgeous as always.  Foxglove grows along the road, there are almond trees, and every garden and balcony is wild with roses.  Can you see the witch in this picture?

AND we hit a milestone!!  One hundred kilometers left to go before Santiago!  The road is very well marked, and at times you can choose which route to take to the next town.  In this case we took the road more traveled.  It may have been a little longer, but promised cafes and coffee.  Who can say no to that?
The path was also very busy!  Lots of people start  in Sarria because you must have gone 100 kilometers with credencial stamps to prove it, if you hope to obtain your Compostela in Santiago.  There were also lots of day hikers, with tiny packs and fresh legs who passed us on the way.  We were feeling a bit smug though, with all those stamps in hand!  Still, we did connect with some of our fellow pilgrims.  One of our favorites was Daniel “Hamm” - so nicknamed by us because of his vintage and well worn Hamms beer baseball cap!
Several little shops with lots of trinkets for sale.  Some folks on the blogs have been decrying the fact the Camino has become so busy and commercialized.  An excerpt from the Codex Calixtinus, which is the first known journal and guidebook of the Camino written in the 12th century, offers a similar complaint.  Except the merchandise was probably much different.  Instead of a pin with the image of a scallop shell on it, perhaps you could have purchased a sliver of wood purported to be from the boat that carried St. James’ body to Spain!
 Arrived at our apartments about 3 o’clock, and decided we needed to do a little wash.  The washing machine was a bit of a mystery, our clothes agitated for about an hour before we managed to get the washer door open again.  
We three housewives needed all of our combined resources to get a few clothes washed!
Kudos to Ron for all the time and effort he put in to line of our accommodations each night.  We have not had a single glitch.  And to Dick for setting up the luggage transfers, again without a hitch.  So nice to come to a clean bed with your luggage waiting at the door!

We walked across that ginormous bridge to get supper, it is REALLY high!  Thunderstorms in the area, and rain predicted for our walk tomorrow.  Praying for nice weather, but whatever comes, onward we go!


  1. Sounds like an amazing adventure!! Keep up the good pace and stay healthy. Say hi to Rob and Chris for us.

  2. Sounds like the walking is a little less hazardous-yay! No more getting blown off a mountain. Love the pictures and can just imagine what a great time you're having. Thanks for keeping us informed! Love to all.

  3. Love reading about your journey . . . .

  4. What a wonderful trip. Love your descriptions and photos. The early morning woods looks enchanted.

  5. I do have an especial fondness for rock walls. Sounds like a fun day, mysterious washing machines notwithstanding.


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